January 19th ushers in Key 17, The Star, the tarot card of Aquarius

Throughout the history of mankind we have looked to the stars in wonder, amazement, inspiration, and even for guidance and inner knowing in times of despair; and the stars shine back at us in all of their brilliance imbuing a calm sense of clarity and hope. The Star card in her right calls for us to do the same, to find hope and inspiration, to hold faith despite adversity, and to allow ourselves to be stripped of the self-conscious labels and limiting beliefs so that we may be vulnerable to experience true liberation, truth, and understanding. She asks of us to lead with grace and compassion from the heart and soul both for ourselves and the inhabitants of the world. The ibis, the sacred bird of Egypt representing Thoth, the God of magick, wisdom, intelligence, reminds us to seek signs rather than answers and to know that we will be guided by Spirit if we only pay attention just as the stars are our compass to the midnight sky.
Check out these astrological highlights during Aquarius season:
1/25 Mercury in Capricorn - This is a time where we are far more practical, conservative and methodical in our thoughts and communication. We tend to have more structured thinking, focus on facts and logical solutions, provide constructive feedback, all while remaining ambitious and goal oriented.
1/29 Venus goes Direct - Venus, the planet of love, romance, relationships, beauty, the arts, values, justice, and money is back in action!
2/1 New Moon in Aquarius & Lunar New Year of the Tiger - check out all the details here.
2/3 Mercury goes Direct - Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect is back in action!
2/14 Mercury in Aquarius - This is a time where we are more apt to break free from the mainstream group thought, to rebel and place emphasis on originality, intellectual superiority and thought free from emotion. We tend to think more critically and analytically, and to be more confident. Be mindful of falling into the trap that your viewpoint is THE right one, that everything is a conspiracy theory, and commentary (including humor) that is offensive or inappropriate.
2/16 Full Moon in Leo - Review, release, and set intentions around the things in your life that pull you from your path out of a need for attention or pride, where you are unable to receive or give praise and appreciation, where you keep yourself small or out of the limelight, and where you either do not let your heart lead or perhaps get in the way of making bold decisions and movements.
Here’s a look ahead at what Aquarius season will bring or how each zodiac sign can work with the energy of Key 17, The Star & Aquarius. To get a more well rounded picture, look at your sun, rising and moon signs.

Aries - 10 of Pentacles - This month brings about an abundance and prosperity in the physical world as things come together beautifully for you Aries. Financial security and even wealth are very possible this month. Family, future legacies and perhaps ancestral wisdom can help you better prepare for a long and prosperous future.
Taurus - 2 of Swords - This month is about sitting in silence and observing your thoughts in order to make a well informed and conscious decision. It is a time to weigh your options, the pros and the cons, whatever that may look like for you; this is NOT the time to jump the gun and take action. Think before you act and speak.
Gemini - Temperance RX - This month you may find yourself feeling off balance or out of sorts, perhaps even as if you have gone off of your path. Temperance reversed can also indicate a time where we are impatient and/or forcing things before their time. Sometimes the best way to take the right step forward, is to first take a step back, collect ourselves and evaluate objectively.
Cancer - Eight of Cups RX - This month is about going back to the drawing board and reassessing things that you believed you had moved on from or were prepared to leave behind; perhaps not all is lost or you overlooked something that needs to be tended to before you set out on your new journey. This can also be a time of coming back out into the light of day following a time of reclusion.
Leo - 9 of Swords - This month may bring about a situation that causes anxiety, stress, worry, depression, feelings of loneliness and even insomnia. Oftentimes, though not always, these situations come about because we are made to lay in the bed we made; to accept the unpleasant results of something we brought about. Be mindful of what (or who) you are directly or indirectly inviting into your life physically and mentally.
Virgo - Queen of Pentacles - This month is about nurturing yourself, taking care of your home and giving attention to the things that bring you physical and financial security. You have the ability to create your physical world with your two hands just as you wish it to be this month, DIY that bad boy into your perfect vision.
Libra - Seven of Wands - This month is about maintaining your balance and persevering despite what is being lobbed at you! Challenge and competition are rife, even if only for the things vying for your attention. There may be moments where you feel like you are losing the upper hand, but KNOW that you have this if you can just stay centered.
Scorpio - King of Wands RX - This month you may find yourself either ready to give up the throne and take a step back from all that you have been pursuing, or you may find yourself with unrealistic expectations leading to rushing things before their time. You have the vision and creative power to see it through, don’t burnout or burn others trying to get there.
Sagittarius - Nine of Wands RX - This month is about easing up on the walls you have built without completely letting go of your boundaries; be mindful of dipping into unfounded defensiveness and paranoia. If you have no boundaries or they are weak, this is a great time to go within and establish ones that are healthy and don’t leave you feeling isolated. Have courage and persist, now is not the time to give up.
Capricorn - Justice RX - This month you may find your head or your heart taking charge and leading the way, they may even flip flop dominance at times. It’s important to come from a place of centeredness where we aren’t left feeling defeated or cheated in the end because of decisions we made in the moment without “thinking it through” or “feeling it out”; you need time to do both. This can also be a time of injustice, even in the literal sense of legal proceedings.
Aquarius - The Devil - This month you find yourself attached to the things that bring physical or earthly pleasure and joy, it can even be about being on the grind nonstop. While you want to watch out for the things often associated with The Devil like addictions and feeling restricted or confined, The Devil can actually be used to our advantage. If you have been meaning to get something done, buckle down and get it done. If you need to loosen up and have some fun, go have some fun. The key is moderation, not extinction.
Pisces - 10 of Swords RX - This month finds recovery and regeneration from the things that have been weighing you down, keeping you pinned or preventing you from moving onwards, particularly mentally. An ending may come about that is rather easy or not nearly as painful as we expected it to be or built up in our mind. Be mindful of not holding on to something that has expended its purpose and needs to be released in order to make room for the new.
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© Brandy Rachelle
Uncredited images from my personal collection or within the public domain