Tarot goes far beyond being a tool for fortune telling or divining the future. Tarot reflects our experiences back to us for better insight and understanding, and also has this amazing ability to objectively guide us mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. There are 22 Major Arcana in the Tarot, these represent significant themes or lessons in our life, each Major is a gift in itself for the wisdom is invaluable. Even if these particular cards are not showing up in a reading, their energy, lesson and guidance is still present and felt. Here are 22 ways in which tarot can help guide you to unlocking your inner power, potential, and purpose in order to create a higher version of yourself and a life you love living:

Tarot reminds you that you are a spark of Spirit, constantly being subtly guided. It gives you inspiration, drive and curiosity for the future. To realize that more is possible, and that sometimes you just have to take the leap of faith.

Tarot reveals to you the tools you need to create your desired outcome, and recognize your manifestation powers. It teaches you to connect with the Divine in order to Know Thyself and better thyself. To become The Magician driven by the Divine and doing the Great Work.

Tarot helps you to learn discretion and discernment, and to embody wisdom through observation and silence. To center yourself, have the truth mirrored back to you, and view through objective eyes. Recognizing and trusting your intuition.

Tarot helps spur your creativity and invites prosperity and abundance into your life. To show and encourage your artistic expression, material gain and wealth, and to reconnect you with the Divine Feminine and inner romantic.

Tarot helps bring about structure and stability in your life. To establish control, discipline and boundaries for current and future success. To reconnect you with the Divine Masculine.

Tarot unveil the times where obedience and disobedience with the status quo are needed, those where it’s best to fall in line with the leader or rebel. To provide spiritual guidance and direct you to higher counsel.

Tarot gives you insight of hidden or unknown information in decisions and choices that need to be made, and better navigating a crossroad. To present you with the ability to step into Divine alignment, seek higher spiritual counsel, and form unions both earth side and beyond the veil.

Tarot encourages you to find your center and move at a steady pace in the right direction with your eyes firmly fixated on the goal. To show you that you are in control of your life through sheer willpower and determination.

Tarot reminds you of your inner strength, and appropriately boosts your self confidence and vitality. To help in responding rather than reacting, and in taming the ego when needed.

Tarot draws attention to introspection and looking inwards for the answers you seek. To show you that the true purpose in life is soul searching and self reflection for awareness, refinement and enlightenment.

Tarot helps you prepare for, understand and work with time of transition, karma, and the natural cycles of ups and downs that we all go through, To show you where opportunities lie, particularly life changing ones.

Tarot helps you to cut through confusion, to operate from a balanced and objective view, and determine the true nature of cause and effect. To balance the head and the heart.

Tarot helps you understand moments of stillness and perceived stagnation, in order to gain new perspective and insights. To surrender or sacrifice yourself and potentially egoic drives for the greater good.

Tarot helps you to understand the end of a situation or circumstance, and to let it go gracefully. To release what no longer serves you in order to make room for something better on the horizon.

Tarot helps you find balance, patience and the quality of moderation while avoiding extremes. To help you understand where you have come from, where you are headed, and your present position in that journey. A reminder of Divine Will and Guidance.

Tarot addresses our bondages, and the overindulgences in mental, emotional or physical pleasures that are to our detriment. To highlight where we feel afraid, trapped, or the victim, but have the ability, known or not, to release ourselves of this burden.

Tarot forewarns of false foundations, dangers, unexpected changes, crisis and catastrophe. To provide us the opportunity to liberate ourselves and divert disasters. Where Divine inspiration and Will will strike.

Tarot helps to renew our hope, faith and spirituality. To be guided by the light of the Divine, and to be a guiding light for others. A reminder to always have one foot in each world and nourish the self.

Tarot highlights illusions, deceptions, our subconscious, and our fears which are often unwarranted. To shine the light on and bring forth those things that are hidden or detrimentally suppressed.

Tarot helps us see good fortunes to come, where we can live in full joy and happiness as the Universe supports us on our journey. To reconnect with our inner child, and to guide us towards enlightenment and success.

Tarot shows and helps us understand times of rebirth, renewal, awakening, and redemption. To call us to a higher state of being with a higher purpose beyond the plane of the physical.

Tarot guides us towards achievement, fulfillment, successful conclusions and infinite possibilities for the future. To show the way in bringing about the ending of a major cycle and a glimpse of the next.
With such an incredible gift and so much wisdom readily available, it's almost unfathomable that one would not seek guidance from the tarot. You owe it to yourself, the version of you that you daydream about, to start this tarot journey either yourself or with a trusted reader guiding you. So, what's stopping you?
© Brandy Rachelle
Uncredited images from my personal collection or within the public domain