Hello! I’m Brandy Rachelle, a professional Tarot Reader, law enforcement Crime Analyst and Forensic Psychic, Podcast Host for Keepin' It Symbol, Writer, Scholar, and Teacher.
If you are looking for my personal details in response to a pitch or would like to book me for an interview or event, then you are in the right place. Below you will find my credentials and experience, bio, popular interview topics, previous features, quotes, mission and more.
Looking for something not included or wanting to get in contact? Reach me directly at Brandy@BrandyRachelle.com
Thank you for visiting and I look forward to connecting with you!
I have two decades experience reading tarot personally, professionally during my career in law enforcement, and ultimately as a full-time professional Tarot Reader. I began reading for civilians in the general public in 2016 nearing the end of my career in law enforcement. Despite formally leaving my career, I continue to regularly assist law enforcement agencies across the country as a Crime Analyst and Forensic Psychic.
In an effort to change the way in which law enforcement and the public view and engage with psychics and tarot readers, both personally and professionally, I am actively training other tarot readers and psychics in how to fine tune their skills, as well as work with law enforcement and the families of victims or missing persons as a forensic psychic.
I have a Masters Degree in Science, and a double Bachelors of Science from Sam Houston State University and have worked in law enforcement and intelligence at the local, state and federal level.
Tarot and psychic ability is a tool not a toy, rightfully I take my work very seriously and treat it with the utmost respect and integrity. Working in and for law enforcement, particularly in relation to major crimes and missing persons, it is imperative that I am professional in all that I do. I treat all clients whether private citizens or a law enforcement officer, agent or analyst with this same level of professionalism.
I have a rather unusual background compared to most tarot readers and metaphysical practitioners both in my education, career path and experience. I stand as a testament to the validity of psychics in the face of nonbelievers who too easily dismiss it as a scam or mental illness. It's hard to argue with someone who has undergone multiple polygraphs, psychological assessments, has an extensive background in law enforcement, and presently assists law enforcement and intelligence agencies as a psychic.
Brandy is a Professional Tarot Reader, Forensic Psychic, Podcaster, Scholar and Teacher. Outside of reading tarot for clients privately, serving as a Crime Analyst and Forensic Psychic to law enforcement, and co-hosting the Keepin' It Symbol podcast, she teaches on a wide variety of spiritual and metaphysical topics. Her passion involves teaching others how to enhance their psychic abilities and communicate with Spirit, deepen their tarot knowledge and Universal wisdom through advanced psychology and symbolism, and how to use their intuitive gifts and the guidance of tarot to assist law enforcement agencies and the families of victims and missing persons as a Forensic Psychic.
Follow Brandy on her Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and make sure to subscribe to her newsletter to explore the cosmos and gain a deeper understanding of yourself and real magick!
Brandy is a Professional Tarot Reader, Forensic Psychic, Podcaster, Scholar and Teacher. She is a seeker of wisdom and a mystic by nature, who truly believes that living a life of purpose and fulfillment is your destiny, and that healing can be achieved by anyone with help from the Divine within and in all things. When it comes to reading tarot, Brandy offers practical, intuitive tarot readings, giving clients insight and clarity in a situation that empowers them with making well informed decisions with the utmost confidence in themselves. Outside of reading tarot for clients privately, she serves as a Crime Analyst and Forensic Psychic to law enforcement, co-hosts the Keepin' It Symbol podcast with her best friend Jennifer Steidley, and teaches on a wide variety of spiritual and metaphysical topics. Her passion involves teaching others how to enhance their psychic abilities and communicate with Spirit, deepen their tarot knowledge and Universal wisdom through advanced psychology and symbolism, and how to use their intuitive gifts and the guidance of tarot to assist law enforcement agencies and the families of victims and missing persons as a Forensic Psychic. Having traversed both worlds she understands the complex nature of each and where limitations prevent these two professions from working together in harmony. Her mission is to change the way in which the general public and law enforcement agencies view and engage with psychics and intuitives both personally and professionally.
You can find Brandy online at BrandyRachelle.com, and connect with her on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter where she loves sharing deep, meaningful and helpful knowledge to assist you in your spiritual journey, as well as random bits of humor to liven the spirit.
The Meaning of Life: Discovering and having the courage to live your purpose.
Tarot Credibility: Mysticism and the Mainstream
Psychics and law enforcement.
Tarot for Criminal Investigation.
Tarot, Human Behavior Analysis and Profiling.
Intuition strengthening and psychic development.
Symbolism, signs & omens, the language of the Universe.
Dream Analysis
2023 Keynote Speaker at The International Divination Event (TIDE), Dallas, TX
2023 Featured Speaker at The Northwest Tarot Symposium (NWTS), Portland, OR
2022 Featured Speaker at The Northwest Tarot Symposium (NWTS), Portland, OR
2022 Featured Speaker at The International Divination Event (TIDE), Dallas, TX
Features: Medium, Redfin, Rent.com, Voyage, Canvas Rebel, Austin All Natural, a repeat guest on Ask the Oracles with Amy Zerner and Monte Farber, The Aquarean Podcast, ExoTarot Podcast, and Unchained Mothering.
I also run my own website and blog, Seeker’s Insights, at BrandyRachelle.com where I share free easy to understand occult knowledge, tarot forecasts, spiritual solutions for everyday problems, and healing messages to enlighten and inspire.
“We are all a spark OF divinity, our intuition serves as our natural guiding force and divination tools like the Tarot, enable us to find objective guidance and make well informed decisions while maintaining our free will”
“Knowledge of the Divine comes from recognizing one’s own spark of Divinity”
To guide individuals into remembering their inner knowing, reconnecting with the Universal wisdom around them, and unleashing their inner power and potential to discover and live their life's purpose.
To change the way in which law enforcement and the public view and engage with psychics and tarot readers, both personally and professionally, in an effort to bring about justice and closure for victims of crime and families of missing persons.
Interested in an interview, booking me for an event, or perhaps a collaboration? I’m always eager to share knowledge and have a good conversation! Let's connect.
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Photographer Credit: Emily Henderson Photography

