Brandy Rachelle

Apr 19, 20234 min

Taurus Season 2023 Tarot Readings for Each Sign of the Zodiac & Astrology Highlights

April 20th, 2023 ushers in Taurus season, the Bull, and Tarot Card Key 5, The Hierophant.

Check out these astrological highlights during Taurus season:

4/20 - New Moon in Aries & Solar Eclipse - This New Moon is a good time for setting intentions around being bold and starting something new, among up energy to move forward with something that has stalled, and having courage to initiate change. Eclipses bring revelations and life changing evolutions, solar eclipses specifically are seen as bringing new beginnings and opportunities. Interestingly, this New Moon and Solar eclipse falls on a Thursday, Jupiter day, where the theme is growth, expansion, and luck.

4/21 Mercury Retrograde - Our written, verbal and even non-verbal communication can become unclear, confusing, delayed or outright deceptive; tech gear and modes of transportation (forms of communication and travel) may also malfunction. Check out Mercury Retrograde: To Fear, or Not to Fear.

5/5 Full Moon in Scorpio & Lunar Eclipse - This Full Moon is a good time for releasing things around overly emotional situations, obsessions, and detrimental secrets. Be incredibly mindful of how you feel, this day is extremely important and potent. This Lunar eclipse will bring revelations and endings that have the potential to bring intense emotional responses.

5/7 Venus in Cancer - There will be a strong focus on family, home, relationships, romance, empathy, compassion, heightened intuition, deep emotions, guidance, support, comfort, and all things beauty related. Nurture yourself and those around you!

5/14 Mercury Direct - Amen, enough said!

5/16 Jupiter in Taurus - with dedication, hard work, patience and being practical we are able to invite in growth and luck, particularly around security, wealth, home and family. The key here is to keep your nose to the grindstone.

5/19 New Moon in Taurus - This is a good time for setting intention around health, wealth, and security. Take the time to connect with your 5 senses, cook a good meal and ground yourself. Checkout some of my favorite grounding techniques, 13 Best Crystals for Grounding, and Meditation 101.

5/20 Mars in Leo - You can do it, put your mane into it! This is a good time for being super charming, charismatic, and confident (remember the three C’s). Lead from the heart in all that you do, take action where you might naturally be inclined to be passive, be bold and courageous, and to get out there in the spotlight! Let your creativity flow and be unique you for all the world to see!

Here’s a look ahead at what Taurus season will bring or how each zodiac sign can work with the energy this season. To get a more well rounded picture, look at your Sun, Moon and Rising zodiacal signs.

Aries - Knight of Wands RX - Whoa, slow your roll! Take your time, focus your energy, don’t rush in, and be prepared for delays. Anything worth having is worth waiting for.

Taurus - Eight of Pentacles - It’s time to put your nose to the grindstone and get the work done! It’s important to not let outside influences distract you, your keen eye and dedication to mastery is key.

Gemini - The High Priestess RX - If you are not silent and still, then the faint whisper of your intuition will be missed. Listen and trust, even in spite of what seems “logical”. Be mindful of keeping and exposing secrets.

Cancer - The Hierophant - There is a time for play, and a time for getting serious, falling in line and doing the work. This is a time to dive deep into your religious or spiritual practices and get on track for true alchemy and enlightenment.

Leo - The Fool RX - Where are you holding back or letting caution keep your feet cemented to the ground? You won’t know if the journey is worth taking unless you take a chance and let Spirit lay the yellow bricks before your feet.

Virgo - Judgement - You are being called to something greater, something of true value, something in alignment with Divine Will. This can even be an actual judgment delivered. Will you heed the call?

Libra - Page of Wands - This is the start of a new journey, one that is inspired by Spirit and stirs the soul. Don’t just sit idly with ideas and inspirations, these are coming to you for a reason. A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.

Scorpio - Death - You are in the thick of an ending and transition, one that may not currently be pleasant, but is with purpose and will bring about profound transformation.

Sagittarius - Ten of Wands - You have an incredible amount of responsibility on your shoulders, and as heavy and daunting as it may seem, it is necessary. Through hard work comes measurable reward, don’t give up.

Capricorn - Five of Pentacles - Watch your money, give your immune system a boost, and don’t be afraid to ask for or accept help. You would do well not to take unnecessary risks with anything related to health and wealth.

Aquarius - King of Pentacles RX - You need to hold on to your coin purse and live by a budget, there is something amiss with your finances and/or assets which can include your health. If you are a leader or boss, particularly at work, keep your wits about you.

Pisces - Nine of Pentacles - This is a time for taking things slow and enjoying the ride. Whether you are building your mind, body, wealth or health, remember to always give gratitude for what you do have and in turn the Universe gives more freely.



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Check out Tarot Readings, Tarot FAQ, the 22 Ways Tarot Transforms Your Life, and My Approach to learn more about tarot, what it can do for you in your life, and what makes me different from most tarot readers.


© Brandy Rachelle

Uncredited images from my personal collection or within the public domain
